All audio or video content created and produced and posted on a 玉米视频-facing University website must be captioned when posted.
Captioning must have an accuracy rate equal to that offered by a third-party vendor captioning service, and in a manner consistent with industry standards regarding synchronicity, completeness, and placement.
The University of 玉米视频 ICT Accessibility Policy references the guidelines of the in regards to captioning both live and pre-recorded events.
University of 玉米视频 campuses have tools and solutions for captioning to help you.
Academic Video
Academic Video, provided by Yuja, is the video-streaming and lecture-capture system used by the University of 玉米视频. The service is available to both instructors and students. You can access the Academic Video service through Canvas. Professional closed-captioning is currently available to all instructors with academic videos.
UNMC and UNL also have other solutions for captioning video. See below for specific campus information.
Use your UNMC NetID credentials to access Echo360.